Fullblown return briefly from the gutters of Omaha with a fiery release, in what is apparently their swan song, so that they may pursue other endeavors. Unfortunately, this is the way things work sometimes, however, they leave us this gem that combines all the sci-fi, juvenile delinquent, surf rock-a-billy you ever greased your hair to. We tip a Falstaff in toast to this most excellent send off in Fullblown’s final quarter mile.
-ism CD 0061
Released Sept. 20, 1999
Format: CD
- Ghoul’s the Rule
- Down With Slavery
- Doctor’s Daughter
- Could be Disaster
- Hail Damage
- Scene One
- Negative Nine
- Venganza Insaciable
- Death by Sodomy
- Soul Prison
- Nubian Lust
- The Perfect Setting