LINOMA: A Nebraska Compilation, was the start of the -ismist Recordings takeover of the world, phase 2. It amounted to something like this: About the same time the label started (August 1992), we were sitting around talking about the local scene, specifically that of Eastern Nebraska over the last few years. We had come to the conclusion that there wasn’t anything that had been definitive of the scene as a whole done in quite some time. Thus sprang LINOMA. So anyway, we started in November, 1992, slightly after the release of Such Sweet Thunder’s CD, “Redneck.” It took a one and a half years to complete. The styles and bands are way too disparate to even try and summarize.

-ism CD 0007
Released Mar. 18, 1994
Format: CD


  1. Urethra Franklin – Caesarean Born
  2. The Millions – Nuah
  3. Rosebud – Bendethic
  4. Middle Monkey – I Drink
  5. Mousetrap – Scratched or Stabbed
  6. Todd Grant – Dust
  7. Clarke County – Blessed
  8. Frontier Trust – Nashville
  9. Young Executives – Round Robin
  10. Simon Joyner – The Simultaneous Occurance of True Love and Nausea in a South Omaha Burger King
  11. Roosevelt Franklin – Simulate Self Stimulation
  12. Sideshow – Drain
  13. Greg Markel – Intermission
  14. The Return – Come Alive
  15. Such Sweet Thunder – Second Best
  16. For Against – Unspeakable
  17. Yardapes – Time
  18. Bonechina – Crabs
  19. Mercy Rule – Time of Day
  20. Ritual Device – ThickBreakneck