The Lost Dogs formed late in 1996, shortly after the demise of Lincoln’s renowned Honeyboy Turner Band when Mike Brindell and Bo Rose joined forces with the producer of the first Honeyboy album, Dave Steen. By February of 1997, the band was booked all the way through that summer, an unbelievable thing for a newly formed local band. Unfortunately, of course, the band broke up in the middle of all this. Mostly this was due to the fact that the journeyman, Mike Brindell, had to have neck surgery and replace two ruptured disks. He has recovered quite nicely, thanks. However, the Lost Dogs are no more. Guess that’s the blues.
Lost Dogs - Lost Dogs
After the Honeyboy Turner Band went the way of the dodo bird, The Lost Dogs picked up. Containing half of Honeyboy's band, and their producer David Steen, The Lost Dogs picked up many gigs. This tape, essentially a demo, helped them get many of their...